ActiveRecord Scope Method

Amelia Haba
2 min readMay 17, 2021

An ActiveRecord Scope Method is a method that helps keep the code D.R.Y and organized. It’s a way to find certain information needed in a timely manner. Using a scope method allows developers to use queries which can be used as methods to call on objects or models.

To use a scope method, follow the steps below:

  1. Create the scope method in a model. There are many different scope methods that can be created. Use this resource ( to help find and create a method.

Above is an example of three scope methods being made in the Lesson model. First, write the word scope, then define the method name after ‘:’ and use a query to find specific data.

2. Next, use the method(s) in the controller(s).

For instance, these scope methods are being used in the index method in the Lessons controller. They are being set to an instance variable that can then be called in a view file to display the specific information desired.

3. Add to the views!

In this view file, the instance variables were utilized to call the specific data to be rendered to the user. This will show all of the beginner lessons that the use scheduled in this specific application.

Scope methods are helpful to keep the code clean and organized. It’s an efficient and easy way to call on and retrieve certain data without making the code complex and messy.

